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 In Hearing Aid Styles, Hearing Aids, Hearing Technology

A telecoil, also known as a T-Coil, is a small coil inside most hearing aids or cochlear implants. (However, smaller devices, like the IIC, ITC, and some RIC, may be too small to have a telecoil.) It was originally designed to improve one’s ability to hear on the telephone.

When the telecoil is activated, it turns the microphones off. It then acts as an antenna which will send the desired magnetic signal to the hearing aid without any interfering background noise. The person can then hear on a telephone through electromagnetic induction.

Telecoils can be automatic or manual. An automatic telecoil will recognize a telephone’s magnetic field and automatically activate telecoil mode. If the telecoil is manual, the patient will need to push a button to switch to the telecoil mode.

Telecoils can also be used with a neckloop to allow patients to have access to other assistive listening devices like remote microphones, TV streamers, or Bluetooth streaming to cell phones for calls, music, etc.

Recently, some auditoriums, airports, theatres, churches, and other public buildings have wired hearing loops that allow people to use their telecoils to better hear announcements over the speakers. If a location has a hearing loop, you will see a sign/image similar to this.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact Arizona Hearing Center by phone at 602.313.1243, or by email at Scheduling@Azhear.Com.

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