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Earlens: What Should I Expect?

 In EarLens, Hearing Aid Styles, Hearing Aids, Hearing Technology

Getting an earlens is very simple. What should you expect to get one placed?

First, you schedule an appointment with the office. During the evaluation your hearing loss, the earlens and alternative technologies will be presented.

During the impression appointment, the doctor will ask you to lie back. Mineral oil will be applied to your eardrum and canal. Next, your entire canal and part of your external ear slowly fill with a liquid. This liquid will solidify into a soft rubber over the next 7-10 minutes. You guessed it: n impression has been taken of your ear canal and ear drum. The mold is slowly removed and inspected to ensure there are no defects.

Next, an impression will be taken of your other ear.

We make these impressions so that we know how to make your earlens so that it fits you. Your impressions then ship to earlens experts who carefully construct your earlens.

There are two parts to the earlens. The first is a light-based behind the ear sound processor that looks like a traditional hearing aid, but works very differently. The second is a tympanic contact actuator, or basically a contact lens for the ear drum.

Once your new earlens technology has arrived, you return to our clinic for insertion. We place the tympanic contact actuator on your eardrum, and the light-based sound processor in your ear canal. The tip of this piece goes in bit deeper than traditional hearing aids so that you can fully experience everything this amazing technology can give you.

At last, you leave our office satisfied and with great hearing.

*There are some people who cannot use this technology based on chronic ear infections, anatomy and other factors. This will be determined by the physician at the time of your initial appointment.

Are you ready to visit our audiologist and begin your hearing adventure? Schedule your consultation with Arizona Hearing Center today and jump on board with this new, miraculous earlens technology! Contact Us by phone at 602.313.1243, or by email at Scheduling@Azhear.Com. can be your latest source of information! Subscribe!

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